You want a Go development environment inside an Alpine Docker container which is set up with a user that has the same UID and GID as your host user.
We will set up a Dockerfile and two Shell helper-scripts for
FROM alpine
RUN mkdir $HOME
RUN apk update && apk --no-cache add \
git go less musl-dev shadow vim
RUN useradd -u $UID -g $GID -d $HOME $USER \
&& chown -R $UID:$GID $HOME
RUN mkdir $HOME/bin \
&& echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/go/bin:$PATH" >> $HOME/.profile
The package shadow adds the useradd / usermod / etc. commands. We then add a new user and specify the UID, GID and HOME directory. Note that in line 8 we first create the home directory of our user so that we can add custom exports to a .profile file located under $HOME at the end of the Dockerfile.
Because the docker build command will be somewhat longer due to all the build arguments needed in the Dockerfile, we will use the following helper-script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker build -t go-env \
--build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) \
--build-arg HOME=/home/$(whoami) --build-arg USER=$(whoami) \
Similarly, we create the following script, which bind-mounts the workspace directory into the container:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker run --rm --name go_env -td -v \
/Users/apoehlmann/workspace/:/home/apoehlmann/workspace \
go-env sh
That's it.
We can now execute our scripts (make sure to chmod +x each one of them):
$ ./
Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.728kB
Step 1/11 : FROM alpine
---> e7d92cdc71fe
Step 2/11 : ARG GID
---> Running in a775cc03652d
Removing intermediate container a775cc03652d
---> dcae66249a3f
Step 3/11 : ARG HOME
---> Running in deab016ca5de
Removing intermediate container deab016ca5de
---> e12ac89d2579
Step 4/11 : ARG UID
---> Running in a707a171f390
Removing intermediate container a707a171f390
---> b5fdd541bb45
Step 5/11 : ARG USER
---> Running in 26325d02d4d7
Removing intermediate container 26325d02d4d7
---> 91b8dfd2af63
Step 6/11 : RUN mkdir $HOME
---> Running in db03fd3e448a
Removing intermediate container db03fd3e448a
---> 0cec18c6c629
Step 7/11 : RUN apk update && apk --no-cache add git go less shadow vim
---> Running in 32db8afa84f0
v3.11.3-19-gb3a750a9f7 []
v3.11.3-22-gaf29099ec3 []
OK: 11258 distinct packages available
(1/27) Installing ca-certificates (20191127-r0)
(2/27) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.40.0-r0)
(3/27) Installing libcurl (7.67.0-r0)
(4/27) Installing expat (2.2.9-r1)
(5/27) Installing pcre2 (10.34-r1)
(6/27) Installing git (2.24.1-r0)
(7/27) Installing libgcc (9.2.0-r3)
(8/27) Installing libstdc++ (9.2.0-r3)
(9/27) Installing binutils (2.33.1-r0)
(10/27) Installing gmp (6.1.2-r1)
(11/27) Installing isl (0.18-r0)
(12/27) Installing libgomp (9.2.0-r3)
(13/27) Installing libatomic (9.2.0-r3)
(14/27) Installing mpfr4 (4.0.2-r1)
(15/27) Installing mpc1 (1.1.0-r1)
(16/27) Installing gcc (9.2.0-r3)
(17/27) Installing musl-dev (1.1.24-r0)
(18/27) Installing go (1.13.4-r1)
(19/27) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.1_p20191130-r0)
(20/27) Installing ncurses-terminfo (6.1_p20191130-r0)
(21/27) Installing ncurses-libs (6.1_p20191130-r0)
(22/27) Installing less (551-r0)
(23/27) Installing linux-pam (1.3.1-r1)
(24/27) Installing shadow (4.7-r1)
(25/27) Installing xxd (8.2.0-r0)
(26/27) Installing lua5.3-libs (5.3.5-r2)
(27/27) Installing vim (8.2.0-r0)
Executing busybox-1.31.1-r9.trigger
Executing ca-certificates-20191127-r0.trigger
OK: 468 MiB in 41 packages
Removing intermediate container 32db8afa84f0
---> f0a6e6ed826d
Step 8/11 : RUN useradd -u $UID -g $GID -d $HOME $USER && chown -R $UID:$GID $HOME
---> Running in 7ccf4351e39d
Removing intermediate container 7ccf4351e39d
---> f81fd7986d26
Step 9/11 : USER $USER
---> Running in 24a23fc7a1d2
Removing intermediate container 24a23fc7a1d2
---> 719e6723f63a
Step 10/11 : RUN mkdir $HOME/bin && echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/go/bin:$PATH" >> $HOME/.profile
---> Running in 9eafa052bc05
Removing intermediate container 9eafa052bc05
---> b78b6a833a39
Step 11/11 : WORKDIR $HOME
---> Running in 9a3fb44234ed
Removing intermediate container 9a3fb44234ed
---> 0b655351ac29
Successfully built 0b655351ac29
Successfully tagged go-env:latest
Create a container:
$ ./
Finally log into the container and source the .profile file:
$ docker exec -it go_env /bin/sh
~ $ . .profile
~ $ echo $PATH